Rev. Stanley A Smith

First Vice President

Greetings New Era In Jesus Name,

I am Rosa L. Williams, Pastor of Everfaithful Missionary Baptist Church, in Augusta, Georgia. As your new President, my vision for our Convention is to bring to fruition seeds that have been planted, into full bloom and to heighten the unity of our Churches. Our theme is: 

“Develop What We Now Possess And Bloom Where God Has Planted Us”. 
Numbers 13: 17a; Numbers 13: 30 

My hope is for our convention to go forward in the strength of God’s Spirit, His grace and to be more like Jesus, so that all mankind will want to accept Him as their personal savior. God is with us and we are well able, New Era.

God’s Servant, In His Hand

President Rosa L. Williams

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​​My name is Rev. Karen Kelley.

I am the Interim Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church in McDonough, Ga. My vision for New Era: 

"To be a beacon of light to point others to Jesus in the state of Georgia"



Rev. Karen Kelley

Second Vice President

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October 2024 Vol. 9 New Era Newsletter

Rev. Dr. Antonio Proctor

Third Vice President

My name is Rev. Stanley A. Smith. 

I am the Pastor of Greater Fellowship Baptist Church in Decatur, Ga. I joined New Era Missionary Baptist State Convention of Georgia to be a part of a Baptist fellowship that is committed  to obey the call of Christ Jesus to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations”;  to participate in the teaching, preaching, and reaching of people for  God’s kingdom building through the good works of Social Justice and peace through the power of the Holy Spirit.

New Era Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia, Inc. Presidential Cabinet


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